Last May the new Kilmacsimon Community centre, Bandon, Co Cork was the venue for a very well attended slideshow and talk about the West Cork and South Coast railway organized by the De Courcey Vintage Club and presented by Mr Chris Larkin. The evening was a huge success being both informative and also a great social occasion with a chance for a cup of tea and a chat during the interval.
Another historic talk is planned for the evening of Monday 4th May next at 8 P.M. in the same venue. This year’s talk will be presented by Mr Tim Crowley of the Michael Collins centre, Timoleague and will cover the history of Henry Ford from his family’s origins in Ballinscarthy to his great industrial success story with the famous Ford model T motor car. It is sure to be a most enjoyable night for anyone interested in either the history of West Cork or the history of the automobile.
- Below are some pictures from the Irish Model T Club Ballinadee Run last October