Tag Archives: harvesting
De Courcey Harvest Working Day 2022
De Courcey Harvest Working Day will take place on the Hayes Farm, Kilkerran, Ballinspittle, Co. Cork on Bank Holiday Monday 1st August 2022.
Old time tillage and harvest working displays. Competition ploughing. Static displays of stationary engines, cars, tractors and commercial vehicles
De Courcey Harvest Day Raffle Launch
On the evening of 30th May members of the De Courcey classic and Vintage Club gathered in Ballinadee. Also present were representatives of the following Organisations; The Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, Courcey Rovers Camogie Club, Ballinadee Development Association and the local Foroige group.
The purpose of the gathering was to officially launch the Harvest working day raffle. The top prize is a trip to London with Barter Travel Bandon and the draw will be held at the annual De Courcey Harvest working day.
The working day will once again be held on the farm of Paddy and Anne McCarthy in Ballinadee, Bandon. The date for the event is Bank Holiday Monday 1st Aug.
2016 is the 80th anniversary of the start of production of the Ferguson tractor with the Ferguson Brown being manufactured in 1936. One of these rare tractors will be on display in Ballinadee at the event curtesy of Mick Forde of “The Farm” Greneagh, Co Cork. visitthefarm.ie
We will have a large number of Ferguson tractors and Ferguson system implements on show and being demonstrated by their owners. Star attractions will of course be the growing numbers of vintage combines from all over the country that attend this event each year.
For further info visit www.decourceyvintage.com
Call 087 2667296 or 086 8162529

Launch of the De Courcey Harvest Working Day Raffle in aid the Irish Guide Dogs and local Community Groups on Monday 1st August marking the 80th anniversary of the production of the Ferguson Tractor, top prize is a trip to London with Barter Travel, Bandon. Pictured are Bill Chambers, John Quinn, Jimmy Regan, Simon Draper, Jim Leahy, Irish Guide Dogs, Chris Corcoran, Martin Nyhan, Johnny O’Neill, Mags Lordan, Elaine Hynes and Caroline Gallagher with Buttons and Ubi trained Guide Dogs. pic Donie Hurley

Launch of the De Courcey Harvest Working Day Raffle in aid the Irish Guide Dogs and local Community Groups on Monday 1st August marking the 80th anniversary of the production of the Ferguson Tractor, top prize is a trip to London with Barter Travel, Bandon. Pictured are the Organising Committee and reps from the Irish Guide Dogs and the local Community groups who will benefit from the event. Pic Donie Hurley

Launch of the De Courcey Harvest Working Day Raffle in aid the Irish Guide Dogs and local Community Groups on Monday 1st August marking the 80th anniversary of the production of the Ferguson Tractor, top prize is a trip to London with Barter Travel, Bandon. Pictured are Arron O Riordan, Laura Helbrow, Shauna Farrelly, Roisin Gallagher, Niamh Nyhan, Paul O Riordan with Darragh Buttimer in front with Buttons from the Irish Guide Dogs. Pic Donie Hurley

Harvest 2015 Launch
This day two weeks the 2015 De Courcey Harvest Working Day takes place. It’s launch took place in Ballinadee last Monday, the 13th of July.
Chairman of De Courcey Classic and Vintage club told how the McCarthy Family, land owners of this years site have a long history associated with Harvesting and Milling.
Members from each group who will benefit from funds raised on the day also said a few words.
Afterwards Corcoran’s Bar in Ballinadee hoisted some refreshments.

Entry Forms For Harvest Day ’15

A Century of Change
De Courcey Classic and vintage Club, building on the success of the Claas Centenary and the New Holland Basildon 50 celebrations are once again planning a major event for the 2015 August Bank Holiday Monday.
The theme for this year’s event will be “A century of Change”. As in previous years it will of course be a working day. Visitors will be able to see teams of horses working with implements and machinery from bygone farming days as well as the giant harvesters of today and everything in between.
Continuing with our commitment to supporting local causes, this year funds raised will once again go to several local groups in De Courcey’s parish but our main beneficiary will be the ‘Friends of Jamie Wall Trust Fund”.
Friends of Jamie Wall
Jamie Wall is a local young teacher who led a very active life and was much involved in the GAA, playing both hurling and football for Cork in Under 21’s and Minors. Unfortunately Jamie suffered a severe illness in 2014 which left him requiring a great deal of care. ‘The friends of Jamie Wall’ fund was set up to raise funds to support Jamie’s rehabilitation and aid in his goal of once again living an independent life.
The team at De Courcey’s look forward to fine weather on the August Bank Holiday Monday and a great day at our new site in Ballinadee to celebrate the ‘Century of Change’.
Bill Chambers PRO.
Contact John 087 2667296 or Martin 087 6060777.

New site for De Courcey Harvest Day 2015
The De Courcey Classic and Vintage Club held a meeting on 1st Oct last to discuss the venue for our 2015 harvest day on the August bank Holiday Monday. The last four years has seen this event grow and grow in size.
The sponsor for 2014 was New Holland Agriculture and was once again a very successful day thanks in no small part to excellent weather with an attendance of over six thousand spectators.
In previous years the Harvest day has been hosted by Jim and Eileen O’Regan at Barrels Cross near Kinsale. Jim was the person who came up with the original idea for the unique vintage event and his family have pulled out all the stops to make sure the events ran flawlessly.
De Courcey Vintage Club is most grateful to the O’Regan family for the last four years and look forward to returning to Barrels Cross in the future.
2015 however will be different as a new site has been identified adjacent to Ballinadee village on land belonging to Paddy and Ann McCarthy. The new site will be an exciting challenge for the Club members with a new layout to be planned. The preparation for Monday 3rd Aug 2015 is already under way.
Contact Martin 087 6060777, John 2667296

Harvest Day ’14 on Demand
You can now rent or buy the Harvest Day 2014 video on Demand in HD! Watch it anywhere! On mobile, tablet, PC, laptop, Xbox, Apple TV and more.

Harvest Day 2014 Event Report
The hard working team of the De Courcey Classic and Vintage club are just settling down and relaxing, after the excitement of yet another wonderful August Bank Holiday ‘Harvest Day’ at Barrel’s Cross, Kinsale.
Once again in 2014 crowds flocked to the farm of Jim and Eileen O’Regan at Coolyrahilly, Barrel’s Cross, Kinsale in County Cork. The many thousands who attended the event were not disappointed as the club committee and sponsors Mc & S Agri Sales Ltd, had prepared a very special day indeed. Of course with Mc & S on the team Courceys had to abandon their traditional red and white colours for the blue and yellow of Ford and New Holland.
The day started early with ploughs, harrows and tilling at midday followed by the teams of horses mowing, binding and drawing sheaves in the traditional harvest section. The vintage Claas, M.F’s Dronningberg, and Dania harvesters then started their own display.
A break in activity was called at 1PM for the opening ceremony. The crowd was addressed by John O’Neill (Club Chairman), Jim O’Regan (landowner) and John McCarthy of Mc&S. The official opening was then performed by Mr Andrew Watson C.E.O. of New Holland UK and Ireland, who had travelled to Ireland especially for the event.
Then it was down to work! A range of Ford and New Holland tractors from Keith Byran’s 1918 model F, to Jim O’Regan’s 2014 T7.260, gave an unforgettable display of ploughing. Donal McCarthy’s team of Clydesdale horses were joined by Fordson model F’s, N’s, Ford Nans, Majors and Dextas with a mixture of trailer and hydraulic ploughs. The thousand series up to the modern T6’s and T7’s with their huge reversible were all represented. There was plenty for the tractor enthusiast to enjoy and lots of cameras were out to capture the occasion. The final sequence in the ploughing area was a spectacular line up of the 24 participants in a single line spanning 96 years of progress.
With the ploughing out of the way, the Claeys, Claysons and New Holland combines took up position for a unique formation harvesting display of 16 combines with Kinsale Harbour and the sea in the distance behind them. The earliest machine on site was a 1963 Claeys M103 owned by Michael Ryan, Ballinscarthy and the most modern was a 2014 New Holland CX6090 owned by Leonard Draper of Dunmanway. New Holland combines from each decade in between were present.
As all this activity was taking place visitors were able take a break in the picnic area at the food village which occupied a central location in the 35 Acre field. Delicious food was served all day by local West Cork food outlets and many people returned several times to try out the different wares. The De Courcey tea tent was an especially busy place with many exhibitors and visitors having a cuppa and catching up with acquaintances for a chat.
In tune with the harvest theme, there was an impressive display of various milling machines from horse operated threshing machines to engine and tractor driven mills. Raymond White from Ballinspittle was kept busy all day demonstrating how the hand operated kern stones produced flour from wheat.
A fine display of vintage cars, trucks and tractors was on site. The tractors were of course dominated by the blue of the Fords. Many early Fordsons were also present. New Holland had a full range of modern machines at the event and the merchandise shop did tremendous business out all day.
After the final harvesting displays completed the raffle was held. Prizes included three months use of a New Holland Tractor, a weekend break and a New Holland gift pack. Mr Andrew Watson was then called to cut a specially commissioned cake commemorating 50 years of tractor production at the Basildon UK plant.
De Courcey Classic and Vintage Club would like to thank the members, sponsors, landowner, local groups and individuals and the many people who contributed in all sorts of ways for their support in 2014.
The proceeds from this year’s event will be donated to Marymount Hospice, Ballinspittle and Ballinadee primary schools and to Courcey Rovers GAA underage teams.

Layout & Timetable
12:00 Arena 5: Cutting sect, horse mowing machines, horse reaper and binder, threshing with horses, cutting and binding by hand, tillage
12:30 Arena No 4: Other Harvesting
13:00 Opening Ceremony
14:15 Arena 1 Ploughing
14:15 Arena 5 Threshing & Milling
14:45 Arena 2 New Holland Harvesting
16:30 Raffle/Birthday cake ceremony
17:00 Arena 3 Grand Finale
*Times Subject to change