John O’Neill, Derry Desmond and Simon Draper from DeCourcey Vintage Club inspect the crop at Harbour view, Kilbrittain, site of this year’s harvest day on the August Bank Holiday.
The De Courcey Harvest working day will take place on the August bank holiday Monday. This year the event will be held at a new site in Harbour View, Kilbrittain, Co Cork. It will take place on the farm of De Courcey Club member Derry Desmond. The club is most grateful to Derry for making the site available to us.
Ever since the hugely successful 2013 Harvest day celebrating the 100th anniversary of Claas farm machinery, the De Courcey Classic and Vintage Club has had close contact with the Claas company. We are delighted to announce that in 2017 we will once again be running the event in partnership with Claas. This year will feature many new additions to the range of exhibits and as always the focus will be on activity, with a huge array of vintage machines working at the event.
Claas are launching their latest silage harvester in the jaguar range the 970 in November 2017. Two of these machines have already been sold pre- launch in the West Cork region. It will be possible to see one these machines working at the De Courcey event. The 970 will be working alongside older harvesters to emphasise the vastly increased capacity of the new machine.
Some of the new activities at this year’s Harvest Day will include silage cutting with a selection of machines including single chop, double chop, precession cut up to self-propelled. Rare machines will be seen working, types like the Dania D5000 self- propelled and Hesston Field Queen self- propelled and star of the show will of course be the latest jaguar 970 .
Claas will have a significant presence at this event with sales stand, machinery displays, merchandising etc. Tim McCarthy from McCarthy plant and agri sales, Carrigtwohill will be on hand to answer any questions people may have about the Claas range of machines.
We look forward to fine weather and a great day out on Monday 7th August in Kilbrittain.
www.decourceyvintage.com and FB.com/decourceyvintageclub.