Jim O’Regan, John Quinn, John O’Neill and Martin Nyhan of the DeCourcey Club meet with Stephen Scrivner and Tom O’Connor of Farmhand to discuss Harvest Working Day 2019
Our first meeting of 2019 was held in Corcoran’s Bar Ballinadee on the evening of 25th February. The year ahead was discussed and a few events decided upon. March will see the running of our tillage day. This event is not a public event but instead a day for members and friends of the club to get together for a bit of vintage tractor work and socialising. A number of St Patrick’s day parades will be taking place locally and the Club will participate in the parades of Bandon, Kinsale and Courtmacsherry.
Following the success of our May tractor and car run in 2018 we will once again be taking to the highways of West Cork on Monday 6th May .Vehicles will gather at the Church car park in Ballinspittle from Mid-day and depart at 1 P.M. sharp. Cars and tractors will follow different routes.
Our main event in 2019 will be the Harvest Working day on the August Bank Holiday. This year the Holiday is on Monday 5th. A new location has been kindly offered by John O Donovan and family in Sandycove, Ballinspittle. The site is particularly picturesque overlooking the sea at Sandycove and well suited to hosting the working day. Monies raised will be donated to the Fr John Kingston Mozambique project, Ballinadee National School, DeCourcey boxing club and Ballinadee Community Hall.
De Courceys are delighted to have Farmhand Ltd (Ireland’s largest independent machinery distributer) as a partner for this year’s harvest day. Farmhand a family owned business, operating since 1962 are a farm machinery and farm merchandise distributers with a network of over 40 dealers in Ireland. Farmhand are exclusive importers for many brands including Krone and Amazone. We look forward to working together and putting on a great show in Sandycove in August.
The year will finish up with our annual threshing in Ballinadee on the first Sunday in November. The threshing at Corcorans Bar in aid of Arc house cancer support will be preceded by a tractor run from Ballinspittle.
As usual up to date information is available on www.decourceyvintage.com and our FB page.